Core will provide you the ability to manage your members from registration to debtors.

Core is ICALA configured to provide the activities and processes to manage any membership based business. The current functionality is particularly geared towards the operation of a gymnasium.

Because of the flexibility of ICALA, whatever your requirements are for managing your membership base, Core can be configured to provide your business all the tools and processes you may require.

“Want to say a huge thank you to Rienzi Tech for the ICALA system. This has helped grow our membership base within the gym and keep up to date with every single detail within my business. They have saved myself and my team so much time that we have reinvested in helping our members smash their goals the same way Rienzi Tech is helping us smash ours."

Shaun Strudwick Founder / Director Beyond Limits Gym


Membership Management

A real-time view of the number of members who are Active, have pending mandates, expired memberships, frozen, suspended or barred memberships. Caters for any payment method and conditions of membership.

Manage Stock

Controls stock and tracks sales.

Manage Admissions

Controls gym admissions and identified any actions required. Allows you to limit numbers participating in a session or event. Provides detailed footfall analysis.

Manage Shifts, Classes and Events.

Controls timetable, staff members leading the class or event and which members are attending.

Personal Trainers

Core tracks well being, progress and definition of exercise and diet plans.

Activity Report

The audit of all activities provides a full reconcilable record that will stand up to scrutiny. The use of the Entity report to a CSV/Excel is frequently used to identify actions that gets assigned to the staff to complete.

Internal Communications

ICALA’s internal mail function provides the ability for communications between staff during shift handovers etc.

Members Portal

A members portal can be set up to allow your members to buy products, manage their membership, book activities or any number of interactions that you may require.


£ 150 .00 /PCM

Membership and Stock Management

Running on our enterprise class infrastucture, includes 5 users, 5Gb of storage, a single Business unit, Rienzitech URL, All Still Modules, Office Hours Support

£ 80 .00 /PCM

Personal Training Client Management

Running on our enterprise class infrastucture, includes 5 users, 5Gb of storage, a single Business unit, Rienzitech URL, All Still Modules, Office Hours Support